Cryptocurrency exchange ShapeShift's decision to require user ID wasn't forced upon it but a preemptive step to reduce legal risks, its CEO said.
via CoinDesk
This is a review of our overall portfolio growth on the 23rd of Sept, 2018. This Forex Portfolio review is for the week ending on the 21st of Sept, 2018. If you are interested in copying some of the portfolios, I already have some listed on MQL5.com.
Please click here to learn more.
As you might already know, I am out looking for more economical alternatives to MQL5.com as I do feel MQL5 is rather pricey. So this is why I am setting up RealTimeForexSignals.com to allow anyone who is interested to copy all my portfolios.
So for the week that has just ended on the 21st of Sept, we ended the overall portfolio with $189,000.
The previous week was at $189,104.
Real Time Forex Trading Signals – 23rd Sept 2018
Watch the video for more explanation….
(Video Not Ready Yet)
If you are more visual, this is the growth chart. The most important thing for me to desire is to see everything pointing from left to right… UP!
Real Time Forex Trading Signals – 23rd Sept 2018
The post Real Time Forex Trading Signals – 23rd Sept 2018 appeared first on Advanced Forex Strategies.